Course Outline

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    Section 1: Introduction

    • Welcome!
    • Chapter 1: Welcome
    • Chapter 2: The Problem and the Solution
    • Evangelization Course Handbook
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    Section 2: New Expressions: The Message and the Modern World

    • Chapter 3: Kerygma: The Message
    • Chapter 4: Kerygma: In Church Teaching and Ministry
    • Chapter 5: Sticking to the Message
    • Chapter 6: Kerygma: In the New Testament
    • Chapter 7: The “Nones”
    • Chapter 8: Answering a Few Key Obstacles
    • Chapter 9: Framing the Message Today
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    Section 3: New Ardor: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Evangelists

    • What are you Searching for?
    • Chapter 10: Introduction
    • Chapter 11: Keep First Things First
    • Chapter 12: Make Time
    • Chapter 13: Present the Gospel as a Celebration of Life
    • Chapter 14: Give
    • Chapter 15: Don’t Let Fear Get in the Way
    • Chapter 16: Witness with Your Life
    • Chapter 17: Pray as You Go
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    Section 4: New Methods

    • Chapter 18: Introduction
    • Chapter 19: Large Events Can Work
    • Chapter 20: Small Groups: Life on Life Ministry
    • Chapter 21: Social Justice as Evangelization
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    Section 5: Conclusion

    • Chapter 22: Conclusion
    • Review This Course