Course Outline

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    Section 1: Introduction

    • Chapter 1: Welcome
    • Leadership Teams Course Handbook
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    Section 2: The Building Blocks of an Amazing Parish

    • Chapter 2: Introduction: Circle of Influence
    • Chapter 3: A Culture of Prayer
    • Chapter 4: A Culture of Teamwork
    • Chapter 5: A Culture of Fellowship
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    Section 3: Building a Leadership Team

    • Chapter 6: Introduction
    • Chapter 7: Every Pastor Needs a Team
    • Chapter 8: The Five Misconceptions of a Parish Team
    • Chapter 9: The Four Qualities of a Leadership Team Member
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    Section 4: The Five Behaviors of a Healthy Team

    • Chapter 10: Introduction
    • Chapter 11: Trust
    • Chapter 12: Conflict
    • Chapter 13: Commitment
    • Chapter 14: Accountability
    • Chapter 15: Results
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    Section 5: Meetings

    • Chapter 16: Introduction
    • Chapter 17: The Four Kinds of Meetings
    • Chapter 18: The Weekly Tactical Meeting
    • Chapter 19: Commitment Clarification and Cascading Communication
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    Section 6: Ideal Team Players

    • Chapter 20: Humble, Hungry, Smart
    • Chapter 21: Using “Humble, Hungry, Smart” on Your Team
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    Section 7: Conclusion

    • Review this Course
    • Chapter 22: Conclusion