Mental Health in Parish Ministry with Sister Josephine Garrett
From the elderly to the youth, families, and singles, wealthy and impoverished, our people are facing more mental health concerns than ever. As a minister, what is your role? What should you do? What is helpful? What is harmful? Let Sister Josephine Garrett guide you through these questions and provide answers, frameworks, and tips.
Course Outline
Section 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Welcome
Chapter 2: Why should they care?
Mental Health in the Parish - PDF
Section 2: The Face of Mental Health In The United States
Chapter 3: Post-Pandemic Mental Health Realities
Chapter 4: Family Mental Health Trends; Common Concerns in Family Life
Chapter 5: Special Communities, Cultural Considerations (Rural, of Color, etc.)
Section 3: A Ministry Framework That Integrates Mental Health
Chapter 6: The Difference Between Ministry and Counseling
Chapter 7: Case Study - Samantha
Chapter 8: What is the 4 Part Model?
Chapter 9: Steps 1 Through 3
Chapter 10: Making a Mental Health Referral - Step 4
Chapter 11: Assessing Further Indicators - Step 4.2
Chapter 12: Boundaries
Chapter 13: Countertransference and Biases
Section 4: Understanding and Responding to Crisis
Chapter 14: What are Crises/ Modeling a Proper Response to Difficult Situations