Stewardship with Tracy Welliver
Stewardship is about more than just talking about Time, Talent, and Treasure. It is about building a culture of stewardship at your parish. Let Tracy guide your parish team to clarity, inspiration, and success around this difficult topic.
Course Outline
This is what you'll learn with Tracy
Chapter 1: Welcome
Chapter 2: Charting the Course
Chapter 3: What is Stewardship?
Stewardship Course Handbook
Chapter 4: Studying the Terrain
Chapter 5: Stewardship in the Parables
Chapter 6: The Stewardship Parable: The Good Samaritan
Chapter 7: Historical Perspective
Chapter 8: The Letter: Start of a Journey
Chapter 9: The Letter: Three Convictions // The Challenge, The Choice, and The Vision
Chapter 10: Different Apostolates, One Way of Life
Chapter 11: Connecting People to the Message and the Mission
Chapter 12: Introduction
Chapter 13: Inspiration Before Formation
Chapter 14: Four Cās of Stewardship Catechesis
Chapter 15: The Power of Hospitality
Chapter 16: Uncovering Gifts and Talents
Chapter 17: The Stewardship Committee
Chapter 18: The Annual Commitment Campaign
Chapter 19: Jesus Never Held a Ministry Fair
Chapter 20: The Lay Witness: A Transformative Tool
Chapter 21: Stewardship of Treasure
Chapter 22: Stewardship is for All Ages
Chapter 23: Conclusion
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