Course Outline

This is what you'll learn with Tracy

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    Section 1: Introduction

    • Chapter 1: Welcome
    • Chapter 2: Charting the Course
    • Chapter 3: What is Stewardship?
    • Stewardship Course Handbook
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    Section 2: Preparing for the Journey: Foundations of Stewardship

    • Chapter 4: Studying the Terrain
    • Chapter 5: Stewardship in the Parables
    • Chapter 6: The Stewardship Parable: The Good Samaritan
    • Chapter 7: Historical Perspective
    • Chapter 8: The Letter: Start of a Journey
    • Chapter 9: The Letter: Three Convictions // The Challenge, The Choice, and The Vision
    • Chapter 10: Different Apostolates, One Way of Life
    • Chapter 11: Connecting People to the Message and the Mission
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    Section 3: Shaping the Stewardship Culture

    • Chapter 12: Introduction
    • Chapter 13: Inspiration Before Formation
    • Chapter 14: Four C’s of Stewardship Catechesis
    • Chapter 15: The Power of Hospitality
    • Chapter 16: Uncovering Gifts and Talents
    • Chapter 17: The Stewardship Committee
    • Chapter 18: The Annual Commitment Campaign
    • Chapter 19: Jesus Never Held a Ministry Fair
    • Chapter 20: The Lay Witness: A Transformative Tool
    • Chapter 21: Stewardship of Treasure
    • Chapter 22: Stewardship is for All Ages
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    Section 4: Conclusion

    • Chapter 23: Conclusion
    • Review this Course