Course Outline

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    Section 1: Introduction

    • Chapter 1: Welcome
    • Chapter 2: Lisa’s Story
    • Women's Ministry Course Handbook
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    Section 2: Creating Connection

    • Chapter 3: Introduction
    • Chapter 4: Lead with Love
    • Chapter 5: Attract with Beauty
    • Chapter 6: Find Your “Rush Captain”
    • Chapter 7: Bamboo Growth
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    Section 3: Facilitating Transformation

    • Chapter 8: Introduction
    • Chapter 9: Keep it Practical
    • Chapter 10: Don’t Assume They Know the Basics
    • Chapter 11: Conversion of Heart
    • Chapter 12: The Ideal Materials
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    Section 4: Equipping Leaders

    • Chapter 13: Introduction
    • Chapter 14: Building Your Team
    • Chapter 15: Cascading Shepherding
    • Chapter 16: Practical Training for Your Small Group Leaders
    • Chapter 17: Relying on the Power of Prayer
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    Section 5: Unleashing Women

    • Chapter 18: Introduction
    • Chapter 19: What Are Your Gifts?
    • Chapter 20: Uncovering Your Calling
    • Chapter 21: Maximizing Parish Communications to Meet Needs with Gifts
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    Section 6: Creating a Sustainable Ministry

    • Chapter 22: Introduction
    • Chapter 23: How to Avoid Burnout
    • Chapter 24: How to Reduce Volunteer Turnover
    • Chapter 25: Dealing with Fear of Failure
    • Chapter 26: Finishing Well: Developing Grit and Perseverance
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    Section 7: Conclusion

    • Chapter 27: Conclusion
    • Review this Course